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Cloverleaf Soccer Association

Parent's News

All parents of players who didn't play in the Fall will need to watch the Lindsay's Law video and sign the Lindsay's Law form.  This must be done before your child begins playing soccer this Spring.  

If you're wondering what you need for your child's first soccer season, click here to find out.


Cloverleaf Soccer

Lindsay's Law

Lindsay’s Law: Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Youth Athletes

A Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) occurs when the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating, cutting off blood flow to the brain and other vital organs. Sudden cardiac arrest is fatal if not treated immediately, most often by a defibrillator.

In accordance with Lindsay’s Law, effective Fall of 2017, players parents and coaches must review the resources developed by the Ohio Department of Health regarding Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

Responsibility of the Parent/Guardian and the Player

REQUIRED FORMS (Must be signed & returned to your team manager)

Note:  Ohio law requires that a Lindsay's law form be signed and turned in annually.

Concussion Awareness

Concussion Information Sheet - Click for information about Ohio's Concussion Law.

Concussion Return to Play - Click for instructions on how to fill out paperwork for your child to return to play from a concussion.

Field Status

Open Open

CSA Fields (03:49 PM | 04/15/24)

Open Open

Practice Areas (03:49 PM | 04/15/24)